Digital transformation from the point of view of people and organization by ORANGE SPAIN

Last March 21st, I was able to attend that session held at San Telmo Business School, focused on digital transformation from the point of view of people and organizations, through examples of success and the intervention of Ignacio de Orúe, Managing Director of People, Communication and Institutional Relations at Orange Spain, as the company where he works, with more than 7,000 employees, has managed to move from a traditional work model to a new way of doing work, more adapted to the digital reality and the rapid response of the organization, with respect to regarding the market demands.

Development of the strategic plan for managing digital change in Orange through managers and employees 2016/2018:

1) New desider competencies for managers and employees:

- We effiently work in teams.
- We are client centric.
- We take iniciative with an enterpreurial attitud.
- We ffet responsible of our work.
- We are agile, we do not wait of the perfect answer.
- We communicate effecively with impact.
- We give and seek frequent feedback.

2) Feedback 360º: Give feedback to your manager, collagues and team.

3) Trasnformation journey for all with training hours at:

- Manager training with cascade methology, workshops and fieldwork with natural teams.

- Employees training with e-learning program and on-line workplace to share best practices and practical training to bring into the day to day work.

4) Digitalization Program, workpaces equipment and tools.

- New flexible and collaborative workspaces..
- New equipment with smartphones 4G and NFC Laptops.
- New intranet with new digital employee experience - Viva Orange.
- Flexible tools with new apps for collaborative and flexible work.

5) Flexible work programme-Launched.

- Flexible model: Work and personal life balance with flexible working hours and tele-working many options to adapt to everyone´s needs. Work from home up to 8´5 hours per week - employee and manager decide when and how.

- Open model: for all employees, with limited exceptions. Few and simple general rules. Each team collectively agrees the team model.

- Simple and easy process: digital (intranet) and agile (24 hours approval).

6) Transform the way we take decisions: simplification of governance:

- Reduced number of commitees for 50% of capex and opex decisions.
- Increase top managersdecision thershold.
- Less bureaucracy with maximum 5 pages requerid to support investments and sourcing committees.

7) At the heart of our transformation: The Leaders of Change. They are influential people within the organization to serve as the internal voice of the transformation, and their mission are:

- Sponsor: promote and communicate the story of change.
- Lead initiatives: Launch and implement initiatives.
- Role model: New behaviors leading by example.
- Give feedback: Be the voice of organization.