3rd Meeting of Preventive Culture in Andalusian companies

3rd Meeting of Preventive Culture in Andalusian companies
Interesting conference held last March 31, 2016 with the participation at the table of government (IAPRL -Andalusian Institute of Occupational Health and Safety-), employers (CEA) and Trade Unions (UGT and CCOO ) telling success stories to promote the Preventive Culture and Integration in companies in Andalusia.

To listen and share practical experience creates synergy and value.

The experiences of Integration of Preventive Culture in the companies were:
- Navantia
- Airbus Group
- Atlantic Cooper, SLU
- Cobre Las Cruces, SA
- Azucarera
- Grupo Cementos Portland Valderrivas
- FCC Aqualia
- Gestamp Linares
- Siderúrgica Sevillana, SA
- Repsol Butano, SA (Campo de Gibraltar)
- Smurfitt Kappa Almería, SA
- Aguas Font Vella y Lanjarón, SA
- Sociedad Mixta del Agua-Jaén, SA (SOMAJASA)
- Grupo EL Corte Inglés
- Fertiberia, SA
- Emproacsa-Aguas de Córdoba
A success

More information in:  http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/empleo/webiaprl/iaprl/home